Keynote Speaker: Ignacio Sánchez Prado


Washington University in St. Louis

Professor of Spanish, Latin American Studies, and Film; Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Latin American Studies Program


Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado is Professor of Spanish, Latin American Studies and Film and Media Studies. He received a Licenciatura (B.A.) in Literature from the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla in Mexico, and a Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures from the University of Pittsburgh. His areas of research include Mexican literary, film and cultural studies; Latin American intellectual history, neoliberal culture, food cultural studies and “world literature” theory. He is the author of El canon y sus formas: La reinvención de Harold Bloom y sus lecturas hispanoamericanas (2002), Poesía para nada (2005), Naciones intelectuales. Las fundaciones de la modernidad literaria mexicana (1917-1959) (2009. Winner of the LASA Mexico 2010 Book Award), Intermitencias americanistas. Estudios y ensayos escogidos (2004-2010) (2012), and Screening Neoliberalism. Mexican Cinema 1988-2012 (2014). His new book, Strategic Occidentalism. On Mexican Fiction, The Neoliberal Book Market and the Question of World Literature will be published in 2018 by Northwestern University Press. His work in progress includes a forthcoming with his essays on Alfonso Reyes, entitled Intermitencias alfonsinas, and a book-length study on cosmopolitanism and genre in Mexican cinema.

Prof. Sánchez Prado has edited several book collections: Alfonso Reyes y los estudios latinoamericanos (with Adela Pineda Franco, 2004), América Latina en la “literatura mundial” (2006), América Latina, Giro óptico (2006), El arte de la ironía. Carlos Monsiváis ante la crítica (with Mabel Moraña, 2007), Arqueologías del centauro. Ensayos sobre Alfonso Reyes (2009), Entre Hombres. Masculinidades del siglo XIX latinoamericano (with Ana Peluffo, 2010); El lenguaje de las emociones. Afectoy  cultura en América Latina (with Mabel Moraña, 2012),  La literatura en los siglos XIX y XX (with Antonio Saborit and Jorge Ortega, 2013), Heridas abiertas. Biopolítica y cultura en América Latina (with Mabel Moraña, 2014), Democracia, otredad, melancolía. Roger Bartra ante la crítica (with Mabel Moraña 2015) and A History of Mexican Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2016; with Anna Nogar and José Ramón Ruisánchez Serra). Two of his edited collections will be published in 2018: Mexican Literature in Theory (Bloomsbury) and Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture (Palgrave). Prof. Sánchez Prado is co-editor, with Leslie Marsh, of the forthcoming series “Latin American Cinema” at SUNY Press.

Prof. Sánchez Prado has published over 80 scholarly articles in academic books and journals, including Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Hispanic Review, Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies, Comparative Literature, and Casa de las Américas, among others. His article “Claiming Liberalism: Enrique Krauze, Vuelta, Letras Libres and the reconfigurations of the Mexican intellectual class,” published by Mexican Studies/ Estudios Mexicanos (26.1, 2010) was awarded with the LASA Mexico Section 2010 Humanities essay prize. His most recent essays include studies on writers Julián Herbert and Paula Abramo, and studies on cosmopolitanism and systemic violence in Mexican cinema.

Beyond the academy, he has been a contributor to media outlets in Mexico and the United States, including the newspaper El Universal and, more recently, the Los Angeles Review of Books.

Prof. Sánchez Prado has served as President of the Division of Latin American Literatures and Cultures and the Discussion Group of Mexican Cultural Studies at the Modern Language Association, as well as co-chair of the Mexico Section at the Latin American Studies Association. He is a member of the editorial board of various journals, including Chasqui, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, ASAP/Journal, and Confluencia.

Prof. Sánchez Prado’s teaching in Romance Languages and Literatures is focused on 20th- and 21st-century Mexican literature, film and culture, as well as Latin American critical thought and literary theory. In addition, for the Latin American Studies Program, he teaches Survey of Latin American Cultures, and diverse classes on cultural studies. At the University College, he teaches undergraduate classes on Latin American Cultural Studies and classes on neoliberalism and culture for the Masters Programs in International Affairs and Liberal Arts. Currently, he serves as Latin American Review Editor for the Revista de Estudios Hispánicos and as Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Latin American Studies Program. Prof. Sánchez Prado received the Distinguished Teaching Award from the School of Arts and Sciences in 2015.